Cake Gels often contains a mixture of dedicated emulsifiers. It helps the dispersion of one liquid into another non-mixable liquid. It also help to stabilises the bubbles in the batter, which helps the cake to receive a nice improved volume, a perfect moist and even crumb.
It also adds softness and a perceived freshness to the cake.
Bread improvers have a multiple functional benefits; they enable rapid development of a dough through to the finished baked product by reducing the time required to achieve a comparable result from the traditional long fermented doughs of the past.
It also strengthen breads overall texture.
Preservatives are an effective inhibitor of the growth of certain moulds and some bacteria in yeast raised products such as bread. It is used in bread to prevent mould and extend the normal shelf life of the. It is easy to handle and easy to incorporate into flour.
Calcium propionate is a preservative commonly used in baked goods around the world.
An emulsifier is well known for its emulsifying effects. Modifies oil crystal and prevents water spattering in cooking.
Emulsifiers can be used in various types of food such as such as bread, ice cream and cake.
Emulsifier blends are made by combining different emulsifier.
Emulsifier blends have a wide range of usage.
They help to enhances volume, softness, cell structure, shelf life and eating qualities.